Wednesday, April 27, 2011

WB 30 Law Resource & The Great Depression

Nehemiah needed a new pillow so we purchased him a white pillow case that zippers at the end at Walmart.I like the pillow cases with zippers so the pillows do not fall out.Since it was plain white I gave him Crayola Fabric Markers to decorate his pillow case.He drew his family.

For the Wisdom Booklets we began our Law Resource & a study using the Hands of a Child on the Great Depression.Here are some of the books we are using along with the study. I am reading letters to Mrs.Roosevelt from children during the time of the depression to the kids and we are watching movies that took place during the Great Depression.

Angelina is reading Potato to the younger kids a tale about the Great Depression.Daniel also read this book.

Daniel also read Leah's pony a story about a town during the depression who got together to help her family buy back their farm.This was an excellent book to go with our Wisdom Booklets because it is an example of what the church is to do for the poor, widows, & fatherless.

Here is a sample of Daniel's lapbook.

This lapbook is free on homeschool share and it really is cute. The focus of the lapbook is the dust bowl during the Great Depression.They study grasshoppers & wind which were parts of the dustbowl. Not only is there free colorful mini-books but ideas to further the study, and the answers to the mini-booklets are also available.I love that site and its becoming one of the first places I look when planning a lesson.

The WB section of our school day focused on the Biblical principles of alms giving in both the Old Testament & the New Testament church.Sadly, the modern day church does not always follow the Biblical principles when regarding alms giving but this has challenged my family. Looking at the church's budget plan is so important and comparing it to the Bible.What does God say about this area?

Studying the Great Depression was one of the WB project suggestions and the one we choose because it was a sad time in America's history were there was many poor people that needed God's people to do a mighty work in His name.There were those who stood up to the challenge like the Salvation Army etc. providing soup kitchens for the poor.America still has not learned from the lesson.A country in great debt.We must pray for wise leaders & laws to preserve this great nation of ours that bears the name of Christ from its roots.

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