Saturday, June 13, 2015

God King ( MOH & Biblioplan ) Read Alouds

We just finished our book the God King by Joanne Williamson and I really enjoyed it. It was a recommended read aloud by Biblioplan and it went well with our history study. We will do a book report on it on Monday. I like that it goes with our history and includes Bible history. The end of the book the author explains what was fact and what was fiction in the book which I liked so they were not confused. This ends our study on the Assyrian empire and next week we will start studying the Babylonians. This book was good in learning about the Assyrians and also good for Egyptian history as it really looked at how the Egyptians thought their pharohs were gods. This is a great way to reflect on how Moses when stood before pharoh it was the battle of God and the pharoh.Of course there is only one true God who was in control . 
   So the next book we will read aloud is Daniel , Out of the Mouth of  Lions that is also recommended by Biblioplan but for a student reader .I am going to read it as a read aloud. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Mystery of History timeline- Wall of Fame

I started off the school year by making a timeline book that each child had their own. We were not keeping up with that since it required me printing out and all of them doing a timeline. I did love the individuality and the ability to add more to the timeline but it wasn't getting done so I purchased the sewing board from Amazon and made a timeline like the author recommended .
I choose my own colors for the duck tape for the timeline. An easy way to add the figures is to just lay them out and use clear packing in tape to place them on the timeline. I then use a permant marker to add the dates. 
I am using the free timeline figures you can find on Pinterest or on my past post when we did the timeline books. We review the time period then they each color the figures. I am having the kids color Bible history titles orange and history yellow. 
This timeline folds up nice and is smaller than a science board so it's easy to keep if you are limited in space. I did use white contact paper to cover it. You can still see the lines through the contact paper but I like that to use to place my time lines on. Others have used marble patterns etc. if I ever have a large wall for a big timeline I would purchase the Konos timeline. This time line meets my needs and is working great.
  I like doing the map work and timeline review before we take our weekly review quiz. This seems to help them remember it all and put it together more than I did in school learning history. The more I use MOH the more it proves to be a good choice for our family.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Mystery of History memory cards

We are continuing using Mystery of History year 1. We just began the classical period. I love note booking pages but printing them out weekly just was not getting done since the baby was born. So to make life easier for mom I decided to start the memory cards the author recommends . I write the title, dates, and hard to spell names etc. on the board for them.
I purchased this spiral set of note cards.
Instead of making the memory cards at once we do them at the end of every lesson.
The title of the lesson and date we put on the front of the card that is blank.
They write important information on the back. I let them choose what is important but I do read over it to make sure it is accurate. I have found they often get the information wrong so this allows them to organize their thoughts and make sure they understood how things happened in the history lesson. Spelling I try to work on too but as you can see here he misspelled uncle so I will have him go and correct that.
I really like using the memory cards. They will be easy to review and I don't have to prepare for the lesson printing out note booking pages or mini books. They are in timeline order. I also like the fact that they are not intimidating with tons of space to fill out like a complete page. This also allows them to boil down the important information. I will let you know how it goes as we use them for the rest of volume 1of MOH.

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