Saturday, May 29, 2010

WB 24 Law Resource & Mail Box Art

Yesterday we did the Law Resource for WB 24. Then for art class as a family we decorated our new mailbox. The post office changed our mailing address and moved the location of our mailbox. It is now closer and at the end of our street.The country life :O) So we purchased a jumbo mailbox so the mail man does not have to drive to our house for some of the smaller packages. So for art class we made a collage and decorated our new mail box. The kids choose pictures from magazines, pictures of our pets, cut out shapes, and drew pictures. I traced the younger kids hands using colorful scrapbooking paper. This begins the summer of fun family projects for around the house.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

WB 24 Authority Through Accuracy

Today we did Authority Through Accuracy for WB24. Our focus was graphs. The older students did the project on their own and the elementary students used these free worksheets.

Yesterday we did not do any school.Our 180 days are completed so we had our evaluations yesterday with the evaluator. Since school ended in the middle of a WB I of course want to finish the WB.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

WB 24 Science ~ Survival skills

Today was a project day we did most of the Hands of a Child Survival lapbook and learned survival skills. I used a brad to close the flap on the lapbook so when it is in the accordian book it does not fly open.

Monday, May 24, 2010

WB 24 Science

Today we did the Science resource.How trappers illustrate the enticement that Satan uses to appeal to our lusts. I plan to spend the summer learning survival skills with the kids but for now will will do a survival skills lapbook.

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