Each student will have their own textbook. This is a more expensive way to go but I want them reading with me and they will be able to see pictures as they learn.We will also take turns reading paragraphs which benefits them building on their reading skills. Another advantage if its a day I am unable to read with them they can read the assignments on their own with out waiting for a book.Nehemiah will not have his own book. I will have him sit next to me so he can see the pictures as we read together. I placed both their textbook & notebooks in their science workbox.To see our workboxes click here.
We purchased the notebooks that go with the Botany lesson.Nehemiah who will be in 2nd grade will be doing the Junior notebook. The 2 day a week schedule goes perfect with the Biblioplan History course we will be doing this year. Our weeks schedule will be Mon.,Wed., & Friday history and Tuesday / Thursdays Science. As you can see on the schedule the reading assignments ,which are included in the notebooks, are the same but since the notebooks are different the notebook pages to be done are different each day.
Here is a picture so you can see a difference in the two notebooks. In this example older student journal while the younger student cuts out and glues the pictures to the different way seeds are dispersed. This is one example of the differences between the two notebooks.
I will be making index cards of the prefixes & suffixes as we learn them and review each day we do science.
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