Saturday, May 21, 2011

Weekly & Monthly Chore Packs

Today is our weekly cleaning day. So I thought I would blog about the weekly & monthly chore packs. Here is a picture of the chorepack template that is given in the book so you can easily copy & fill out what you want accomplished on your weekly cleaning & monthly days. I went through each room and tried to write a card for each step of the cleaning process. I also figured out what I wanted done monthly like wash walls etc. The nice thing about this is if you forget or notice your child is missing something when cleaning you can simply add a card. I have a mom notebook which I will explain more on another post so I placed the cardholders which come with the chorepacks in my mom notebook. In the notebook I have a list of what rooms we decided each child would do on our round table discussion day. Instead of assigning names to the plastic holders I wrote the rooms.That way whenever we switch around the chores it is not a big deal .So in the notebook is the weekly tasks for each room. I remove the daily task cards from their chore packs and place what they are to do weekly.Some children are assigned more than one room but I only place in their pack one room at a time.As they complete the room I switch it again.

  • For example: Dominic is in charge of the laundry room so I remove his daily chores place them in the laundry room sleeve and put the laundry room task cards in his chore pack.
I also have a separate plastic sleeve for the outside & cleaning the van. That way if it is raining on the weekly chore day I can simply add the outside chores like mowing, weed whacking etc. into their daily chore packs.

We are doing the weekly chores on Saturday but with this system it is so flexible you can do whatever day you want because you simply switch cards in the chore pack from daily to weekly :O) My hubby is working on Saturdays now but when he is off I will have them do it on Fridays or a weekday so we can do things with him whether it be work he wants to get done, field trip, or just a family fun day.

The monthly chores like washing walls, curtains, or whatever you feel is needed monthly I also place in the plastic sleeve with weekly chores.I just do not place them in the chore packs until the day I have scheduled for monthly chores.To make it simple I plan on scheduling a day the first week of the month. More than likely a week day even during the school year.I also plan to switch rooms every year or 6 months so they learn how to clean each type of room. A bathroom requires different tasks than a kitchen for example. You can change it weekly, monthly, yearly etc.It is so easy to do with this system.

If my children are faithful in the daily & weekly chores they will learn that it doesn't take as much time to keep the house if they work on it everyday forming good habits. Daniel all week made me smile he was so excited to complete his daily habits he calls them.They enjoy knowing exactly what to do.It is also great for no excuses on I did not know what to do! I do not expect everything to be perfect at first but everyday & every week work on improving their skills until the final goal they are independent and when I check everything is done right. Depending on the age & character of the child will depend on how long that may take.

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