Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day!!

Dear ATI Mothers,
My hat is off to you all! First of all, you have one of the most challenging responsibilities in all the world. Your “work” has endless hours, an immense variety of tasks amidst the intensely mundane, and requires the highest level of multitasking. Yet, I do not see any of you walking around like you are “super-mom.” Your humility, contentment, and faithfulness is a real testimony of your love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
This week, my family and I had the blessing of being with the Duggar family. As I was contemplating this weekend’s special Mothers Day, I thought of Mrs. Duggar and asked if she would share a brief encouragement with you. She shared this encouragement for mothers:
“On this very special day, I would just like to take a moment to encourage you to keep your eyes on Jesus. He is the source of your joy and strength. I remember, as a young momma, the daily struggles of managing a growing household with not nearly enough daylight or energy to handle all of the diapers, laundry, school lessons, meals, dishes, etc. that overwhelmed me each and every day! Late one evening as I folded laundry, I cried out to the Lord with tears streaming down my face. ‘Lord, if you don’t rescue me, I’m going down and they’re going down with me!’ It was then that God brought to mind the counsel of a godly older woman from years before. She said to me, ‘Michelle, let the joy of the Lord be your strength.’ In the quietness of my laundry room, I heard the small voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Michelle, it’s easy to praise Me when everything is going well, but are you willing to praise Me now, even when you feel inadequate and overwhelmed?’
“Through the tears, I quietly whispered, ‘Ok, Lord, I will praise you now, even though I feel so burdened and unable to.’ As I sang the words to ‘The Joy of the Lord is My Strength,’ I felt the heaviness in my heart slowly lift. Ladies, what a blessing and privilege we have to bring our cares and worries to the Lord and have His joy be our strength!
“As mothers, we may wish for our children to find success and happiness in life. But dearest moms, isn’t it true that God has called us and given us so much more than that? Happiness may depend on the happenings in our lives, but true joy comes from knowing Jesus! So let us continue to affirm our children and teach them that they will be successful in life if they do just two things – love God and serve others. And this can begin right in our homes!
“Mommas, wherever the Lord has you right now, make the joy and the love of the Lord your strength! Even as you may feel overburdened by the dishes and laundry, I pray that each of you would be filled with the joy of knowing Him who gives us the strength to press forward. May the peace and the love of our God continually reign in your hearts and minds as we look to Him, the source of all good things!” ~ Michelle Duggar
What an encouragement to know that whether you have one child, or nineteen, the Lord still waits for you to turn to Him as the Source of true and lasting joy. In fact, “Looking Unto Jesus,” was our Family Conference theme. I would encourage each of you to attend either in Nashville, May 27-30 or Sacramento, July 1-4. Register now
May God richly bless you with a joyous Mothers day!
In Christ,
David Waller

David Waller
Administrative Director, ATI

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