Sunday, February 14, 2010


Yesterday hubby fixed a bookshelf for me in the schoolroom which lead me to an unexpected project.Since the books were off I just had to organize them :) So one book shelf lead to organizing my entire library which was something that needed done and there is no better time then before new books arrive for next year.
Last year I organized my school room and what a world of difference that made this year!!!.I will take pictures after I finish my library project.
This year we are going to organize the clothes system which is a much needed project.I have designed a system and I look forward to using it in the future.Clothes is a blessing and a curse in my home but I plan to organize the blessings so I can bless others and it will not be a curse so to say.
So for Valentines Day we went to Home Depot my favorite store and I was happy to find an organization premade system that is also custom when putting together that will fit my design perfect .We didn't purchase just planned and window shopped.I will take pictures of the step by step project as we go.I am sooo excited!!!!

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