Today we did Power Through Precision.Our focus was looking at those whom the Bible reveals of those whom to do alms.The stranger,fatherless, widow, & the poor.We then were challenged to seek those in our life or community we could glorify Christ by reaching out to those in need.We looked at many Bible examples and scripture that reached out to the poor, widows, etc. and how God blessed them. Deuteronomy 24:19.
We then continued our study on the Cold War.We are using the Hands of a Child lapbook (Angelina), and also the HOC Cold War notebooking pages.The living book we are using along with this study is The Cold War by David Taylor.It is a great compliment to the study.This is the picture of the front of Angelina's lapbook.I made the lapbook over the weekend and she just fills in the mini-booklet.
Over the weekend I also organized the HOC lessons.I printed out the daily lesson plans & highlighted the days in the teachers manual.I still use the lesson plan but it helps me as I read through the teacher's manual.I also list the activity(or mini-booklet) in the manual.This helps me feel organized as I cover the material.
I printed out all the notebooking pages for Dominic & Joe and placed them in a notebook with prongs.I then print out the list of vocabulary words so they can place it n the side pocket for daily use.Finally,each day I list the vocabulary words
on the board so they can get the definitions from their list and fill out the vocabulary words on their notebook page or mini-book.Angelina also has a list she keeps in her lapbook.Daniel does not do vocabulary words,
Here is a sample of the Hands of a Child notebooking pages.My older students prefer the notebooking pages.The information is still organized like a lapbook.We also add pictures & flaps to make it more colorful.The same lessons go with the notebook & lapbook which makes it convenient for multiple students and personality types.
Daniel is also doing notebooking pages but he is doing Westvon Publishing Happy Scribe copybook & History Scribe on the Cold War.I have the CD with all the units but you can purchase it individually at Currclick.
He draws a picture and we also pasted a picture on his notebooking page.
I sit down with Daniel and just like when we do our writing assignments in the WBLA we discuss the important word in each sentence then he vocally tells me the sentence in his owns words.Finally, after his thoughts are collected he writes them down.We do not do the check list challenge.
Today marks the mid-point of my pregnancy.I am 20 weeks!!!