Saturday, May 10, 2014

Power Through Precision WB 35

 We finished our Power Through Precision resource. I have collected through time all the English books from Rod & Staff. I love the how Christ centered it is and having all the grade is a great for the linguistics section of the Wisdom Booklets.
 We choose one of the projects listed to study the difference between a complete sentence and a fragmented sentence. This went with the idea of partial forgiveness. Forgiveness is not complete unless it is total forgiveness. So I taught them the lessons and then they completed the age appropriate English book for the lesson.

 They did the work in an interactive notebook that we will be doing for the rest of the school year. I simply copy the first page of the resource and glue it in the notebook for the cover page. This creates a divider tab. The cove page explains why we are studying this topic in our notebook. I also like that is has the WB verse at the bottom as a reminder that brings it all together.
On the left side of the notebook I had them make a mini-booklet on our lesson to allow them to organize and look at the material. Then on the right side of their notebook the actual Rod & Staff lesson that was assigned is completed.
 We will start the history resource next week.

I also want to show some samples of past WB we have used a composition book for a notebook.

Monday, May 5, 2014

WB 35 Power Through Precision

  Today we started our Wisdom Booklets back up. Like I have said in the past post I knew this would be a hard study as I was struggling with forgiveness and it was boiling over into every areas of my life

Hebrews 12:15

15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

 Sin is bondage but praise the Lord as in our WB hymn reads my chains fell off my heart was free, I rose went forth, and followed thee. I was a ewe sheep stuck in a thorn bush of sin. My loving Shepherd set me free and I am now able to follow Him.
  Our pastor has being going through a series on forgiveness so even though I was avoiding the WBs the Lord in His loving faithful ways continued to reveal His grace. The messages from the Lord through our pastor was what I needed as I was running from my Shepherd. God is so good. We went on vacation to the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. I was so refreshed and the Lord used that time of rest to work in my heart all the things He has been working on with me the last few months. As a result I feel free and ready to love others as Christ loves them and get back into the spiritual warfare.
     We began to do Power through Precision.We will be going through the 5 ineffective ways to attempt to forgive. Today we looked at partial forgiveness and the read how David dealt with Absalom. It was a good look and reminder for me a a parent.

  I wanted to share this cute short video on forgiveness that goes with one of the many examples in the Bible on forgiveness.


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