After we read the WB out loud together we completed the project. I am learning not to take to much time when preparing the WB in advance because sometimes I will change what we planned for and today was an example of that.
I decided to do the project using the vocabulary words for a writing assignment.Instead of having them look up or copy the vocabulary words I went through the vocabulary list and if they did not know the word I looked it up and wrote it on the board for them. I then listed a word list of vocabulary words they knew for the writing assignment & spelling. Finally I wrote the writing assignment.
This worked well for them so they could look up at the board to use the vocabulary words in their writing. I went over their writing correcting them on capitalization , separating paragraphs, etc. but did not make them re-write it since we do more of the writing assignments in the WBLA. My focus with the WB writing projects is more practicing how to write what they are thinking and learning to organize their thoughts while using the vocabulary words. I enjoy reading what they wrote and really need to do more writing assignments during the school year so they become more comfortable with writing.
I will have them all list the countries on the map were the resource took place and add that to our notebook along with the vocabulary word harbor for Geography. We of course did our writing assignments and projects in our WB notebook.