Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
WB 31 Movie~* Sheffey (praying man of God)
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Field Trip
The older children went on a field trip with friends of ours to the Science center. I am in the waddling stage and its getting painful to walk for long periods of time so I am trying to slow down and do less walking. So field trips with lots of walking is out for now at least until we are full term which is in a few weeks.Then I may do more walking to encourage things along lol.
I did some school with the younger guys. As a special treat we went to Burger King and had lunch.We had a special surprise when Grandma & Great Grandma spotted our van parked at Burger King and came to sit with us. You can spot that bus anywhere!
Here is a picture of Angelo doing Math. He is so excited to do the Teaching Textbook.Its funny when they see their older siblings using certain curricula how they can't wait to start.He reminds me everyday is so excited to officially start school. We use the MUS manipulative's & teaching CDs for the Teaching Textbook lessons when learning new concepts. I ended up using a permanent marker to draw the value houses on the lid of the MUS block organizer. This just makes it more convenient for me so I don't have to mess with the paper one.
Still getting the ball rolling it takes about a week to get the school days in full motion. Its sure is challenging with midwife appointments, summer activities still going on like birthday parties etc. but we will still try to get ahead for when our precious little guy comes :O)
Monday, August 1, 2011
WB 31 Major Concept & Commands of Christ #24
I was so excited to begin Wisdom Booklet 31.As I prepared for it I know the Lord was preparing me for what we were going to learn from Him. I was not disappointed!
We began by reading the cover of the Wisdom Booklet which we do each morning to remind us of what our focus is this Wisdom Booklet. Our lesson for the day was the Major Concept: Intimacy requires privacy.We looked at the man praying on the WB cover and began looking at how God wants to be intimate with us. We need to hear Him & He enjoys hearing us when we commune with Him in prayer.
We then read the Commands of Christ #24 together~* Hear God's Voice & Attentiveness vs. Distraction. This year for the first time I purchased a Commands of Christ book for every student that could read so we could read it together like we do the Wisdom Booklets each taking a paragraph at a time. This made a world of difference because normally I would read it and after a time I could see I was loosing them which I can understand because I can loose focus unless following along myself. It is so important and so rich that it proved to be worth it.I noticed a difference in their following what the discussion was. I will only need to purchase two books this year to cover all 8 Wisdom Booklets I plan to do.
The lesson was so rich I thought I would highlight some of the things discussed:
- rhemas -I challenged them to look for the rhemas as they read the word of God and we need to get back to discussing it
- hearing God's voice~* looked at examples in scripture
- different types of ways God spoke to His people in scripture~* examples like Samuel , Jacob, etc.
- How does God affirm He is speaking
- attentiveness vs. distraction~* practical steps to hear God's voice by having quiet time with Him in prayer , reading the word of God, & meditating on scripture.
- looked at the body, soul, & spirit ~* God's spirit wants intimacy with our spirit
This all tied in to our Major Concept, verse, character focus, & hymn for this Wisdom Booklet.It was an awesome way as one of the building blocks for laying the foundation of what we are learning this month in WB 31. We will continue to build on this foundation the rest of the week as we do the character Quality WS, Wisdom Quiz, etc. Then all the subjects we build on the foundation will be the following 3 weeks.
Another thing i wanted to mention was we broke it down in to two parts. We completed the Attentiveness vs. Distraction & personal application during evening devotions to break it up a bit.I simply copied the personal application and had them fill it out. I love how all the IBLP products always challenge you in personal application & self evaluation.I want to see are they hearing God &what is He saying to them.I was challenged and excited to spend more intimate time with my Lord & King.What a privilege it is and a joy!!!!
Finally the verse that goes with my blog. John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"
That is the reason we use the Wisdom Booklets and I am so excited to tie that in today with lambs as I want them to hear their Father's voice and follow Him even when the path is narrow & rocky, through the valley of the shadow of death that they fear no evil . I pray the Lord gives them hearing hearts all the days of their lives.
Hands of a Child 45% off sale!
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