Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WB 20 Science Res.1~* Diamonds

In our Wisdom Booklets today we studied Diamonds and discussed the analogy of a Christian.This was part 1 of science part 2 was the termite study so It was good to remind them about the analogy of a Pharisee comparing it to the analogy of a Christian that reflects Christ.

We also looked at Ancient Persia preparing for the Greek Persian wars.Then we went to church.I am very tired and fighting a cold but we made it.

The slower pace day is a must for me because for some reason the mid-week I am always so tired and having a more relaxed school day works great so on Thursday I feel fueled to tackle fun projects.I like to do the messy hands on projects on Thursdays.The mineral kits came in so the kids are excited to study them tomorrow.I am going to call around the local jewelers to see if I can schedule a field trip.I would also like to make some Greek pottery so I will have to make some phone calls tomorrow.

Well this was the last resource in the WB so we will begin WB 21 Monday so I will need to order my supplies!

Malachi 3:17

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